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Grade School


The Grade School Unit of St. Scholastica’s College is committed to providing you an education characterized by the Benedictine way of life while at the same time creating an atmosphere of critical inquiry and innovativeness in teaching strategies and approaches to student learning.

Imbued with the ideals of “Ora et Labora” (prayer and work), you are offered an atmosphere of shared prayer life, a spirit of community, thirst for knowledge and one filled with excitement to explore Philippine culture and tradition and venture into a world that the new millennium has to offer.  As a Scholastican grade schooler, you will experience a rich spiritual life as you go through such milestones of your life as a Christian – your First Holy Communion, recollection day – transforming you into a well-founded Christian that is a heritage of Benedictine children the world over.


We begin with an awareness of God who created us in His own image and likeness.

A. He calls us to be Co-Creators with Him, helping Him continue the work of creation by:

1. Developing our physical, spiritual, intellectual, social and emotional well-being;
2. Developing self-discipline and creativity;
3. Respecting our own uniqueness and the uniqueness of others;
4. Respecting life and everything that is life giving;
5. Recognizing our role as growing Christian Pilipinas in a developing nation. As stewards of God.

B.  He calls us to be Decision-Makers who are free and responsive to the needs of others by:

1. Being critically aware of existing realities;
2. Acquiring the skills of observing, analyzing, questioning, hypothesizing, experimenting, weighing alternatives, setting priorities and decision-making;
3. Searching for truth in our daily lessons and experiences;
4. Participating actively in the formulation of procedures and practices that directly affect us;
5. Accepting the consequences of our decision and our actions

Our basic guidelines are the Gospel values as they are found in the Person of Christ.

C.  He calls us to be Meaning-Givers, living life in the light of Faith, finding and giving meaning to our work by:

1. A lively and intelligent participation in the liturgy;
2. The appreciation of our rich Pilipino cultural heritage and the development of those given talents which will enable us to contribute to this heritage;
3. The appreciation of truth, goodness, and beauty through a study of literature and the cultural arts; and
4. The effective use of language, both English and Filipino for communication and self-expression.

D. He calls us to live a life in community by:

1. Relating meaningfully and creatively with our peers, our elders, and our communities;
2. Relating with learning from, and responding to the needs of everyone in our home, school and community according to the particular stage of development in which we are, as growing 
Christian Filipinas.

Through a school atmosphere of ORA et LABORA, we aim to develop an integrated Scholastican who, in the future that is to be hers, shall be ready to confront social problems and shape social policies, and through a life of SERVICE attain her final goal – Christ.

Christian Formation

Religious Education Program – A religious education program has been laid out to help the students become living witness of Christ. As a Benedictine Catholic Institution, SSC tries to provide you with a community in which a unique fusion of Christian living and academic goals are realized.

Prayers – Morning Praise is monastic in origin and sets the mood for prayer and work. Benedictine prayers are marked by simplicity and openness to the Spirit.

Celebrations – The Benedictines celebrate life in liturgy and prayers.

Eucharistic Celebration – The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated to highlight significant events in the Grade School.  Unit Mass is celebrated every first Friday of the month. Active participation in the Mass and frequent reception of Holy Communion will develop a deeper knowledge, love and imitation of Jesus.

Confessions – Confessions are scheduled by the Christian Doctrine Coordinator.


Marian Activities – Our Lady is close to the heart of every Christian Filipino. In her honor, the Rosary is recited in class during the month of October and this devotion is usually highlighted by a Rosary procession and floral offering and Block Rosary. Other Marian activities are planned and implemented with other events.

Stations of the Cross – During the season of Lent, Christian Doctrine teachers schedule meditations on the Stations of the Cross in memory of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord.


Recollection – Grades 5 and 6 students have their recollection once a  school year. The Grade 6, have an overnight recollection while the Grade 5 students have a day recollection.  Grades 3 and 4 have their half-day mini-recollection. The recollection is held in a retreat house to provide students with an atmosphere which is conducive to silence.

Season of Advent – Advent is the time of preparation we prepare for the coming of our Lord. Liturgical Activities such as the making of the Advent wreath and the lighting of the Advent candles are held for all classes.

Bible Services – Bible Services precede the rituals pertaining to particular liturgical seasons of the year to further deepen awareness of God’s utmost concern for all His children.

Special Celebrations – Days like First Confession Day, First Communion Day are special days of celebration and rejoicing.

Vocation Week – Vocation Week is held every year to make one aware of the beauty of the religious life.

Visits to the Chapel – Visits to the chapel are highly encouraged among students and member of the community.

Mission Consciousness – World Mission Sunday is the last Sunday of October. This is the time of the year when the Church asks for help from the missionaries through prayers and cash donations. Mission envelopes are distributed in the classroom. Everyone is encouraged to solicit donations from other people.

Outreach Program – The school provides opportunities that would enhance awareness of the suffering of others. The students are called to respond to their needs through the outreach program.

Sharing Activities – The primary graders (grades 1-3) have an “adopted” class in the surrounding public schools. The fourth graders take care of the disabled. The fifth graders take care of the tribal apostolate of the Missionary Benedictines. The sixth graders take care of the urban poor communities.  It is that through these interactions, that compassion and care for others are imbibed. Christmas Drive – Once a year the school holds a Christmas Drive to give the members of the community a chance to share material goods with the poor.
Innovations in Teaching & Learning

Interdisciplinary Approach to Learning

The Grade School believes that student learning is maximized if the content and processes of different disciplines are integrated.  This approach depends on the ability of the teacher to design a unit or module focused on the concepts, events, themes, problems or issues which put together the content, skills and values from the different disciplines in unified whole. A unique faculty development program that makes teachers go through the same experiences as the children insures the continuous honing of this ability among the teachers. This approach allows the students and their teachers to appreciate the interconnectedness of various subjects and to understand that a concept or an idea can be seen from different perspective.

Studying in SSC’s Grade School is a rich and exciting learning experience. The dedicated and committed administrators, competent teachers, well-equipped laboratory and library facilities, innovative approaches to learning and varied student activities ensure an academic atmosphere conducive to the delivery of quality education. Through the years, the Grade School curriculum has remained relevant to the changing needs of students as well as to paradigm shifts and new trends in education. To date, the following innovations highlight the school’s commitment to academic excellence. Under the SGIIP are:

Gifted Program

St. Scholastica’s College’s Grade School pioneered gifted education in the country way back in the 1980’s. With the Small Group Prescribed Instruction with Individual Pacing (SGIIP) gifted and talented children are given legitimate venues for expressing their own unique gifts and talents through projects and programs that are task-oriented, and address both group and individual needs.

Drama and Theater in Education (DTIE)

The drama and theater-in-education (DTIE) was an innovation introduced in the late ‘80s to serve as a tool for classroom learning.  DTIE uses an interdisciplinary approach to learning Literature, Social Studies, leadership, human relations management and a sense of community through theater. A yearly theater season and a “staple” repertory of grade level productions give students memorable hands-on experiences in production work and yearly opportunities to showcase their talents in performance.

Computer Program

In support of the thrust towards excellence and relevance, the Computer Program has been designed to assist students in becoming computer literate and equipped with the skills in software application.  Lectures and hands-on activities are provided to enhance children’s skills and to enrich learning beyond textbooks and lectures.

Approaches to Instructural Delivery

Instruction at St. Scholastica’s College focuses on developing the student’s full potential and her becoming a lifelong learner.  Aside from the student’s spiritual development, curricular and instructional programs emphasize the development of communication, higher order thinking, decision-making skills and the love for literature and the arts.

  • Instruction is carried out in small groups most of the time;
  • Within the small groups, each student works to attain previously set goals at her own pace;
  • Academic work is prescribed by the teacher, or with other children, and is mutually agreed upon by teacher and pupil; and
  • Achievement is measured in terms of individual abilities and pace.

Interdisciplinary Approach

This Interdisciplinary Approach combines meaningful and memorable student activity with paper-and-pencil approaches to learning.  Most of all, it brings to the fore the wealth of content and processes of various disciplines on a single topic, theme or issue. It also makes use of the Infusion Technique, which is done through direct and indirect teaching methods.

The Interdisciplinary Approach ensures the wholistic and integrated development of students and thus gives meaning to the so-called Living Curriculum of the Grade School Unit.

The Scholastican Award

The Scholastican Award is given to the graduating student who has shown the qualities of a true Scholastican ideal of excellence and service through prayer and work. It considers the student’s academics, habits and attitudes, and involvement in extra-curricular activities.

Since the total scheme of elementary education in St. Scholastican’s Grade School and the approach to instruction it has adapted, i.e., SGPIIP, aim at the total development of the child, the Scholastican Award covers her growth and development in the following areas:

Growth in Habits and Attitudes     
Involvement in Extra-Curricular Activities  

To qualify for the award, the student should meet the following:


1. A cut-off grade of 85% in the Final Rating per subject. The student must meet cut-off points with a minimum level grade of 80% in all areas/levels accomplished in all academic and performing arts subjects.

2. The required cut-off in Grade 6 ABSAT.

Growth in Habits and Attitudes

The student must show consistent outstanding growth in habits and attitudes with a minimum average of 4.0 points per term.

Involvement in Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activies

The student must be a member of at least one club other than the Munting Barangay/Young Mentors’ Club.The student must show outstanding involvement in co-and extra-curricular activities with a minimum average of 2.7 points per term.


The student should have studied in SSC for at least two (2) years and should not have repeated any grade level.  After meeting the criteria given, the awardees will be ranked according to general average.
1 95% and above Gold
2 91 – 94.9% Siver
3 88 – 90.9% Bronze

 Students who are able to meet the criteria in academics but who, for valid reasons could not meet the other criteria, may graduate with distinction.

Grade School Uniform

Daily Uniform

The Blouse

  • White with RUFFLES (NOT PLEATS) along the collar and sleeves
  • It has a STRING SEWN at the back of the blouse which is to be tied snugly and not loosely around the waist to hold the blouse in place so as to keep sides tucked neatly  into the skirt waistband and NOT HANGING OUT LOOSELY.
  • All buttons from neck down should be done up and the automatic snap under the left collar should always be snapped on.

The Jumper Skirt

  • Dark navy blue (material:  PONTE DE ROMA)
  • The straps should fit well on the torso.

How to test if the strap is loose:  Take each strap at the point of the shoulders and pull up. If the strap comes up by more than 1 inch over the shoulders, then it is too loose.

  • Grade level badge is sewn onto the left strap and must be visible below the left collar (2 fingers above the chest strap).
  • Chest strap must have 3 white buttons on each side.
  • The waistband of the skirt should not be loose and should be at the waistline and not at hipline.
  • Skirt line should be hanging well with nothing heavy in the pocket to cause the skirt line to lose its symmetry.
  • The hemline should be no more or less than 2 inches after the kneecap (from the lowest point of the knee).

(See detailed description of the Grade School Daily Uniform)


  • Plain white socks with no logos, raffles/laces  or embroidery designs of any kind.
  • Socks which are more than 2 inches from the ankle bone should be folded and not rolled down; and those which are 2 inches from the ankle bone (from the highest point of the ankle bone) or shorter should be left unfolded.
  • The following socks are not allowed – SPORTS SOCKS, TUBE SOCKS, and KNEE HIGHS.


  • Closed, low heeled (no more than 1 inch high), plain and black (including heels and thread) shoes.
  • The following are not allowed – shoes with large buckles, suede shoes, nubuck, and bulldog shoes.

Gala Uniform
is worn on official special occasions.  It should follow the official pattern:

  • Hemline must be no longer than mid-calf (between the knee and ankle bone).  
  • Must be worn with white, cream or beige undergarments, 
  • Skin-toned stockings 
  • Ecru pumps with at least 1” heels.  
  • Shoes must be closed; no open-toed or open-heeled shoes. 

(See detailed description of the Grade School Gala Uniform: Gala Uniform (Grades 1 to 4) | Gala Uniform (Grades 5 to 6)

  • For students wearing short sleeves gala uniform flat shoes with white socks should be worn. 
  • Only when in long sleeves gala can a student wear shoes with at least 1” heels and nylon stockings.

Wearing of Sunday Attire / Theater Clothes

  • Dressy but not too frilly and appropriate for the occasion.
  • NO sleeveless and haltered dresses / blouses spaghetti straps / strapless (tube) mini and tight fitting skirts/dressesmaong pants/capri pants
  • NO wearing of step-ins / slip-ons clogs, sandals

Filipiniana Dress

Please see the links: (Filipiniana Costume for Grades 1, 2, 6Filipiniana Costume for Grades 3, 4)

Grade 5 Filipiniana Dress – TBA

Classroom Regulations

1. Attendance – Regular attendance is important if you are to profit from the daily instruction in class. Make the necessary time allowance so as to arrive on time for class. You may not leave the classroom during class hours without justifiable reasons. Your parents or guardian may withdraw you from class only upon presentation of a pass issued by the Coordinator for Students’ Services.

2. Absences – Following an absence, you should present a letter of excuse written and signed by your parents or guardian. This excuse letter should be duly noted by all your subject teachers. A long absence due to communicable disease needs a medical certificate from your family doctor or a clearance from the school clinic.  If an excuse letter is not given the class Adviser will call your parents to a conference.

3. Tardiness – A student is late when she comes after the first period prayers. Latecomers must secure a tardy slip from the Grade School Office before proceeding to class.  Three late marks in the attendance record will mean one day’s absence. Five consecutive latecomers will give your class adviser a reason to call your parents. During rainy season, students who live far away have a reasonable excuse for being late due to traffic and flooded streets.

4. School Materials – You must come to school equipped with the complete materials prescribed by your teachers such as books, pen, notebooks, pad paper, rulers, etc. Pencils should be sharpened. Unnecessary materials or expensive/valuable things are not allowed in consonance with the school’s thrust on SIMPLICITY. Otherwise, these things will be confiscated and returned at the end of the year unless your parent will claim them during a Parent-Teacher Conference (PTC).

5. Care of Classroom and Corridors – It is your responsibility to keep your classroom and corridor clean and orderly.

a. You are assigned permanent places in the classroom. When it is necessary to change the seating arrangement, move your chairs quietly.

b. Keep your chairs clean and free from any writing.  Sticking of chewing gum anywhere is prohibited.

c. Arrange your books, activity sheets, bags and lunch boxes neatly in places designated by your Class Adviser so that your classroom will look orderly. It will also prevent accidents.

d. Throw all waste papers, discarded thread, wrappers, etc. into the waste basket. Pieces of papers should never be thrown out of the window or on the floor. Throwing of discarded thread, wrappers and sharpening of pencils should be done in between periods.

e. Always ask the teacher’s permission before getting anything from the teacher’s table and before writing anything on the board.

f. After every subject, see to it that your classroom is ready for the next teacher.  Chairs, tables, caddies, rolling boards, and rolling carts in the classroom and along the corridors should be in their proper places. Instructional materials like activity sheets, books, and kits should be properly kept.  Blackboards and erasers should be clean.

g. When the class leaves the classroom, the girls assigned should turn off the electric fans and lights and close the door. Write your whereabouts on the blackboard. During recess time, doors should likewise be closed. Rooms are locked over noon when necessary.

h. The school tries to give you the best facilities. It is your responsibility to respect the school’s property. Marking desks and walls, tampering with announcements on blackboards and bulletin boards and careless handling of learning caddies, rolling boards and rolling tables, curtains, do not show respect for the school’s property. This is vandalism. If caught vandalizing, you will be sent to your Class Adviser and then to the office of the Coordinator for Student’s Services.

6. Staying in the Classroom – You are not allowed inside the room during recess, or before and after classes unless the teacher is inside the room or you have permission to enter.

a. Students are not allowed to go up to place their bags in the classroom before classes begin except on Mondays during the Morning Praise and unless there are special instruction from the Head Teacher.

b. During the noon break, only students with written permission secured from the Class Adviser the day before may stay in the classroom. However, these students should go down for lining up when the bell rings for the afternoon session. When practicing for a presentation, there is a teacher who supervises.

c. On rainy days, you are allowed to stay in your classroom during recess and during lunch break. You are expected to behave properly in the classroom even if the teacher is not around.

 7. Proper Behavior in the Classroom

a. Discussion should be done in moderate tones during a group activity so as to allow other groups, in the class and corridors, to carry on their activities undisturbed.

b. While waiting for the next subject teacher avoid moving around and talking. Eating and drinking are not allowed in the classroom.  However, on rainy days, you may take recess in the room. Your teachers will give the guidelines for the lunch break when it is raining.

c. Personal necessities are done before classes start in the morning, in the afternoon and during recess time. A student who finds it truly necessary to leave the room shall obtain permission from the teacher. In the absence of the teacher, the student secures the permission of the class president.

d. To facilitate orderliness in going out after classes, you are expected to form your line outside of your classrooms and then proceed directly to the ground floor or pergola and not crowd unnecessarily in the wash room or stay along the corridor to wait for your friends. The president and vice-president of the class lead the orderly exit of the class.

 8. Respect for Teachers and Elders 

Greetings – Rise and stand in quiet attention when the teacher enters or leaves the room. Greet her politely. Remain standing until you are told to sit down. You are expected to greet the Principal or any visitor who enters the classroom through the front door, but you need not stand to greet classroom observers like the coordinators, head teachers, etc. who come through the back door.

Be courteous and polite to all members of the school community.

9. Prohibition on Contribution and Selling – The Department of Education has prohibited “the sale of tickets and/or collection of contributions in any form, by any person or any projects, or purpose, whether voluntary or otherwise” in school. Exempted from this prohibition are contributions to the Red Cross and Girl Scout Movement. Whenever contributions to the Mission Drive, Christmas Drive and Alay-Kapwa projects are solicited and fees for field trips and excursions are required, your parents will be notified.

10. Circular Letters to Parents – Close communication between the school and your parent is essential. The moment circular letters are distributed by your Class Adviser, write your name, class and section on the reply slips. Present the letter to your parents when you reach home. The reply slips must be returned with your parent’s signature within 2 days.

Student Activity Program

Grade School Student Activity Program

The Grade School Student Activity Program consists of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. These activities are under the general supervision and coordination of the Student Activity Coordinator.

General Objectives

The Student Activity Program aims:

1. To supplement and enrich classroom activities.

2. To provide chances and opportunities to develop to the fullest students’ unique gifts and talents.

3. To reinforce elements of judgment, decision-making, critical thinking found in the instructional program.

4. To develop leadership, sportsmanship, self-discipline, and the desire to be of service of others.

I. Co-curricular Activities 

are those still within the scope of the regular curriculum, but are held outside the classroom. These activities are under the supervision of the subject area coordinator or her designated representative. These activities are held within class hours, usually involving either a whole grade level or several grade levels at a time.

1. Morning Praise
2. Holy Masses
3. Confession
4. First Holy Communion 
5. Recollection 
6. Midday Prayer 
7. Grade Level Assemblies
8. Election of Class Officers
9. Community Day
10. Buwan ng Wika
11. Environment Week
12. Peace Week
13. Mission Drive
14. Rosary Month
15. DEAR Time
16. Feast Day
17. Outreach Activity
18. Book Week
19. Math and Science Week
20. Lenten Rites
21. Christmas Sharing
22. Peace Camp
23. Misa de Gallo / Misa ng Bayan
24. Contests
25. Exhibits
26. Intramurals
27. Play Productions (DTIE)
28. Viewing of Movies, Slides and Filmstrips
29. Exposure Trips
30. Symposia, Convocation
31. Cultural Trips
32. Search for the Pilipino 
33. Social Awareness Activities – e.g. Watching the President’s SONA, and other relevant issues at hand.

II. Extra-curricular activities

serve as enrichment to the regular academic curriculum. These activities are generally held after class hours and each activity is under the guidance and supervision of the activity moderator.


The activities that fall under this category are offered in the following clubs:

Religious Clubs

Academic Clubs

Performing Arts Club

• Holy Childhood
• Marian Circle
• Little Angels
• Kids Praise Ministry
• Bible Explorers
• PAX Enthusiasts

• Book Lovers’ Club 
• Young Historians’ Club 
• Computer Club 
• Eureka
• Green Thumb 
• Science Club 
• Little Bluestockings
• Debaters Club
• Young Entrepreneur
• Catalysts

• Color Mixers 
• Young Artists’ Club 
• Art Club 
• Singing Angels
• Children’s Choir
• Folk Musicians
• Little Picasso
• Recorder Flute
• Ethnic Ensemble
• Bazooksy
• Ballet/Gymnastics
• Little Chefs
• Homemakers Club 
• Rhythmizettes 
• Dance Club
• Galaw Pinoy Dance Troupe
• Creative Hands

Service Clubs

Sports Clubs

• LRC Club
• Scouting Movement
 -Star Scouts (Grades 1, 2, 3)
 -Junior Girl Scouts
• Munting Barangay 
(Lower House)
• Munting Barangay 
(Upper House)
• Junior Benedictine Volunteer
• Young Mentors (Grades 3-6)


• Basketball
• Volleyball
• Swimming
• Taekwondo
• Badminton
• Pep Squad

Membership in most clubs is voluntary, within the application form signed by the parents. Club meetings are held once a year in most clubs after class hours. 

However, there are clubs that are invitational because of certain qualifications. These clubs are the following: Eureka, Catalyst, Little Bluestockings, Little Picasso, Recorder and Ethnic Ensemble. The others fall under Sports Clubs for varsity teams, whose members can meet twice or thrice a week. They are also under the supervision of the Subject Area and Special Programs Coordinator. Clubs meetings are being held on weekdays after class hours. 

Student Council

Every school year, the students elect their class leaders-officers. The following are the leaders/officers of the class:

Kinder – Grade 3


Class Leaders
Assistant Class Leader
Class representative

Grades 4 – 6

Class President
Class Representative

The GS Student Council is officially known as the Munting Barangay. It is the governing body of the GS and is an extension of the Social Studies class. It develops the students’ leadership skills as it gives potential leaders the actual experience of governance and democracy in the school.

All the other clubs aim to help develop the total person. They all provide opportunities for the members to develop, improve and/or discover their innate talents and potentials. There are about forty five (45) clubs in the GS falling under the religious, service, academic, performing arts and sports clubs. This means that, there is a club for every kind of child.


The Munting Barangay (MB) is the governing body of the SSC Grade School Association. The officials initiate projects or activities that will be of interest to the members. They shall promulgate, adopt and prescribe rules and regulations which are sanctioned by the school. Munting Barangay officials represent the Grade School in institutional functions or meetings. They must set good examples.

The Officials

The Upper House

The Presidents and Class Representatives of Grades 4-6 automatically become members of the Munting Barangay Upper House.

The Lower House

The Class Leaders, Assistant Leaders and Class Representatives of Kinder to Grade 3 automatically become the members of the Munting Barangay Lower House.

Class Officers

Class President/Class Leader


The Class President/Class Leader is responsible for the management of the whole class and assists the teacher in supervision during assemblies and other activities.

Vice-President/Assistant Class Leader

The Vice-President/Assistant Class Leader works hand in hand with the President/Class Leader.

She assumes duties of the President/Class Leader in the latter’s absence and informs the Head Teacher if the teacher has not arrived in class 10 (ten) minutes after the time.  


The Secretary keeps a record of the attendance in class, assemblies and other activities; monitors; birthday celebrants; and students who go to the clinic, guidance, etc.

Also, she writes on the blackboard the attendance for the day, monitors for the week as well as other reminders. She collects reply slips, arranges them alphabetically, and submits them to the  Class Adviser.


The treasurer assists in the collection of fees and other dues agreed upon by the class, acts as the time keeper of the class and surrenders lost and found articles to her class adviser or to the office. She also keeps the activity sheets and circulars for the absentee/s.

Public Relation Officers (PRO)

The PRO informs the class of meetings, assemblies and other school activities, and acts as liaison between her class and the rest of the Grade School community. She checks that her classmates are in complete uniform and writes important announcements on the board.


The Sergeant-at-Arms act as property custodians of the class and are responsible for the peace and order in the class. They ensures that monitors perform their assigned tasks.

Class Representative


The Class Representative officially represents the class in major functions.


The elected officers for the different clubs assist the moderators in carrying out the objectives and activities of the club.